What is your biggest dreams? What do you want? Do you still have dreams? As a lifestyle coach… I think dreams are really important…
People who are aligned with their dreams
Ralph Marston says: "No detail is unimportant or beneath you. For it is all those details, combined together, which bring the dream to life."
Are You Taking Care Of The Details?
Ralph Marston says: "Dare to dream, and dare to live with the confidence that your dream will come true. When it means enough to you, there is a way for
Wayne Dyer's book Excuses BeGone, is about how to change lifelong, self defeating thinking habits. Chapter 1 is: Yes, You Can Change Old Habits.
The most effective ways for eliminating habitual
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #63: Start Now Just Do It. There is no perfect time to start. The best strategy is just to jump in and get started. Just start.
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #62: Find A Way To Serve. There is a universal principle that says you cannot serve others without it coming back multiplied to yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #61: Give More To Get More. Many of the world's richest individuals and most successful people have been devout tithers.
Not only does it serve others but
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #60: To Spend More, First Make More. There two ways to end up with more money for investing, and that is spend less or make more.
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #59: Master The Spending Game. One way to stop spending so much is to start paying cash for everything.
Will Rogers said: “too many people spend
Jack Canfield's Success Principle #58: Pay Yourself First. Most people spend all that they earn and then some.
The simple rule is to put aside at least 10% of what we