Jack Canfield's Success Principle #36: Learn More To Earn More. To learn and grow in life, we need to be teachable and we need to let go of already knowing it all and the need to be right.

We need to open ourselves to being a learner, and listen to people who have already done what we want to do. Reading can make it surprisingly easy to increase your knowledge and increase your level of success.

Learn More To Earn More

Be Prepared When Opportunity Knocks

Leave Me A Commitment



Coach Freddie
Coach Freddie

Coach Freddie.. Lifestyle Coaching. I believe that Health is Wealth and Knowledge is Power. My purpose as a lifestyle coach is to supply people with the knowledge that they need to make good decisions and better choices. Creating Wealth Coaching is all about Transformation… taking people from where they are now, to where they want to be. I have over 35 years experience in sales, management, training and coaching. In the mid 1990's I started meditating and studied with Deepak Chopra and became a Certified Meditation Instructor with Chopra Center for Well Being. I've served on the board of directors of the Pittsburgh Coaching Association. My career started in Western PA in the baking industry. I had a passion for baking and a BIG DREAM to BE a professional baker. So I went off to school and received a degree in baking. I was offered a position in San Francisco to manage the worlds largest sour dough French bread bakery. So, off to Frisco to run the bakery where I learned the art of coaching and training. I left baking industry and entered into sales, marketing, training and lifestyle coaching. I've sold everything from advertising to business opportunities and sales seminars to teaching meditation and coaching. My business experiences are a key ingredient in my lifestyle coaching. Most diseases today are lifestyle diseases… like being over weight, or having diabetes. Lifestyle coaching helps people to reverse these conditions. I've developed several coaching programs; 1. Creating Wealth Coaching for Business and Entrepreneurs; 2. The 30 Day Diabetes Program. When using lifestyle coaching in business, the "Health" of a company is linked directly to it's success. Health is a key ingredient in a successful business. The "Health" of employees contribute to the bottom line as well as savings to health care costs. Entrepreneurs must be "Healthy" to be successful long term. Lifestyle Coaching: Strategies for... The Body - Mind - Soul... Health is Wealth.